Friday, 17 April 2009

A better day

Today has gone better in some ways - but I still have a lot of worries.

The district urses don't want me to manage her patches. Edna told them she had visitors every day who COULD manage it. I have told them I can't and they are happy with that. But they did give me the bad news that the GP doesn't want to prescribe the pacthes. There is a general feeling that orasl medication would be easier. I can't say I disagree with that. I suspect the pacth was selected as a way to reduce side effects. IMO the patch is better suited for a patient in a nursing home enviroinment or with a permanent carer. As long as the side effects are not troublesome the capsules would be better. The cost is the same - so if that is what the GP is worried about it will make little difference. Almas tells me the nurses have got at least one prescription abyway so hopefully we have a month to sort it out.

Edna was quite bright when I popped in to see her. She had srted out some paperwork and thrown it away. I just hope she hasn't thrown away anything important.

I have o idea what she has eaten today. The home care team recorded that she hadn't eaten her meal, but I couldn't see it anywhere. The pudding was still therer and she was planning on eatig it cold. But accoprding to her she had a bacon and egg sandwich and has still got some of that left. She said she eaten more than she used to but she wasn't very happy when I pointed out that a bacon and egg sandwich (whicc is all she I think she will have eaten today) wasn't really enough.

I also saw a flash of Mrs Hyde when I sad I thought she needed to think about somebody having power of attourney. She was very anti the idea and made a barbed comment that she hadn't even been able to the keys away from me. No point in trying to argue with her and point out that I made sure the form got signed asap so a new keey could be cut so she COULD have a key to replace the one that went into the key safe - that she agreed to have.

Alma has told me that the girls don't have tome to do shopping, So tommorrow I am going to have to tell her I will have to do that for a bit for her. The upsdie is that we will have to go through her stores to make a list so I will get some idea how mch of the stuff I got for her has been eaten. Iam not looking forward to =twelling her I will need to do her shopping for a bit tho. Mrs Hyde may well appear again. But it may give me the chance to get her out with me to do the shopping.

I still feel like crying every time I leave her - but I do feel things are more or less under control at the moment.

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