Wednesday 30 September 2009

End of days

Today almost the first thing that happenened when I got to the ward was that the consultant summoned me into the office. I had been told that if ROH hadn't come through he would be taking action. In the event what he did was to show me the x-ray which showed the artificial hip is at 90 degrees to her femur. He agreed with me that the best option for Edna was to call a halt, accept that she isn't going to make through this time and just keep her comfortable.

We agreed it would e better for Edna to die on a ward where she is known, she knows them and she is happy there. A move would distress her so much in so many ways.

I cried - depsite the fact I wanted this decision. Barbara (the social worker) was so kind and listened to me ramble on and cry for about 30 minutes.

I spent most of the day at the hospital but left when I couldn't cope emotionally with seeing her any more.

I wont be going back tonight unless she deteriorates a lot.

She is as comfortabkle she she can be. not eating not drinking and having morphine for pain releif. When I left they were going to move her to a side room and had also called a physio to see if there was a plint they could use to immobilis her leg so she can be moved easier. Its a long shot - but I appreciate they are doing their best to keep her out of pain.

The next few days are going to be very difficult .

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