Friday 4 September 2009

Getting ready for the operation

Edna has to go and have surgery tomorrow. Without surgery she will die due to immobility. She will die if they do the opeartion they really NEED to do. So they are doing a halfway operation that should get her back on her feet sort of. She isnt fit enough to have a general anaesthetic so it is being sone under spinal. I am going in tomorrow so I can go down to theatre with her.

I have explained the op details to her so she was able to sign the consent form. I spent nearly four hours at the hospital today visiting Edna and waiting for the doctor to turn up. Ileft WAY after visiting had officially ended.

She was still confused - but better than last night.

She kept on fiddling with buttons on her nightie, fiddling with the entry ports o her IV line, fiddling with the blankets. fiddling with her ring......... you name it she fiddled with it. She was talking about thngs that couldnt have happened like seeing Alma this morning, the ward having concerts overnight, the ward becoming a restaurant over night. She thought she ought to be paying for things like drinks - food and even her operation. She thought people were talking about her. She told me she hadn't been offered any lunch. The list goes on. But most upseting of all was when I left and she panicked about her keys. i told her I had them and she asked how she could get into her flat tonight.

She does realise how serious things are. She doesnt want the operation but at one point said 'If I dont have the operation I'll die wont I' I was honest - no point in anything else really. She showed some fighting spirit - and that gives me a bit of hope - but there are so many things that can go wrong...........

They have already mentioned her living arrrangments - and when they realised she was NOT in residential care - they decided they needed to make a referal.

It will take a miracle to get her back to Fosters - but it will take a minor miracle for her to survive this anyway.

The doctor was prepared to use the consent form for incompetent patients - but I was happier with Edna signing her own form - although he still got me to sign as a witness. I feel I have to fight for people to actally talk to Edna. She does undertsnad when things are put in the right way -and the right speed.

I dont want to thnk about what I would have done if Edna has refused to sign the consent form............

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