Saturday 26 September 2009

Tea and laundry

I got a call from the hospital today telling me Edna had managed to spill a cup of tea over her. Although it was really hot they had to complete an incident report form so they rang me to let me know. She wasn't hurt at all - but had to have a complete change of clothes. When I got to the ward she was fine from the accident but clearly generally down.

Her bottom is hurting, her legs are very swollen, and the contents of her catheter bag look very dark to me. I'm guessing the catheter is causing some irritation and there is some blood in her urine. The staff will be aware of it as they have to empty her bag . They have told her to drink lots and I suspect that could be why. She says she is..........but I doubt it

It will be another 3 weeks before she can start to weight bear. That feels like a long time. I am concerned about how she is going to cope.

She has asked me to take her crocheting in which is a good sign. But she is still talking about how she could decide to go home. Although when I pointed out she couldn't go home in wheelchair she had to agree.

She struggled to do up the top two buttons on her blouse today. She did one - then asked me to do the other. It is rare for her to ask me to help.

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