Wednesday 9 September 2009


There is debate going on at the moment about whether euthanasia/assisted suicide should be legal in this country. The argument used against it is that it could lead to vulnerable people being pressurised into opting for euthanasia by their families. It is a debate I can understand - but am quite clear in my views, I am against assited suicide.

Edna was much more confused today. She was hallucinating, talking to invisible people, eating invisible food and I think doing invisible crocheting. She is also on antibiotics for a possible lower respiratory tract . She was sitting out when I was there -mainly becasue they were worried she would fall out of bed. She is VERY restless and I can understand why they put her in the chair. She apparrently hasn't eaten or drunk much at all today - and she has an IV up again.

Overall she is incredibly poorly - and I found myself thinking the very unoriginal thought that we wouldn't let an animal linger on in that state. But everything is potentially treatable. If the antibiotics work her chest will be fine, if she starts drinking and eating her overall health will improve and both could improve her mental state. So they treat. She is back on nebulisers as well.

I know that if Edna was competent and was offerred a pill to end it all she would take it - but I am still against assisted suicide. If it was legal what on earth would I say if the doctors asked me what I wanted to do about Edna in her current mental state? It would be a terrifying responsibility.

I couldn't bear to see her linger on in her current mental state.

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