Sunday 6 September 2009

I cam't thinl of a witty title for todays entry. We went to see Edna and Steve got very upset - as did I once we were off the ward.

She is very confused - much worse than I have ever seen her. The fact that it is probably drug induced doesn't make it any easier. At one point she grabbed my hand, put my fingers to her mouth and started sucking them. I asked her if she wanted a drink and she said she did.

We didnt stay long. She kept on dozing off. Anyway it felt as if she wanst really there. Steve said it reminded him of how Alan was the night before he died.

Tomorrow I want to ask about her resus status. Apparently resus is automatically done within 48 hours of surgery. Do I have the right to say they should not attempt to resus her if she has a cardiac arrest?

The sister doesn'tknow me and when I said I was daughter-in-law (I dnt even bother with the ex bit - it confused things even more) i could see she was about to say 'What about her son' So i hastily cut in and explained both ehr sons were dead and that her only relative was MY son. Steve thinks making her DNR is the right option - but it is a huge responsibility.

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