Thursday 27 August 2009

Fact or fantasy

I went to see Edna today after work. The carers were there when I arrived - and Edma had no teeth in.When the carer's left they said they would see her later. Edna said they needn't bother to come back. They said they would be back however.

There was a note on the communication file asking them to prompt her weekly alendronic acid. I didnt take a peek to see if she had taken it today. What I DID take a peek at while Edna was retreiving her teeth from the bathroom was the nebules. She came home with 2 boxes. One is by the machine the other is on the bottom shelf of the table by her chair. In theory this one is untouched - and from my quick peek it was still full. Definitley only one nebule has been taken out of the box by the machine so I reckon she hasn't used the nebuliser at all.

This doesn't surprise me - but I dont know what I should do next. Is she deliberately lying to me or does she really think she IS using it?

Another little problem is that Edna has tried to tell me Diane will do her shopping. I need to run that by the warden tomorrow as I really doubt if they are willling to do that. Since I doubt if Ed has the cognition to draw up a shopping list I dont think that is at all a good idea.

She didnt object to me going over - which is good. And she said she was always glad when I went over - which isn't always true - but I feel it was true today.

My problem for tomorrow is will the pharmacy have her prescription so they can deliver the new blister packs? And will they include the Alendronic Acid? If they do then the box sent by the hosital will have to be removed to make sure she doesnt OD - so I MUST see those blister packs - and somehow do it without upsetting Edna.

And for my next miracle................

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