Thursday 6 August 2009

Occupational therapy

The OT tried to contact me on the way to work - but I hadn't got my handsfree kit on so I missed the call - and then couldn't get her on the number she left for me. They had an MDT meeting yesterday (I found that out from the nurse tonight) and obviously they want to talk to me about a home visit and aids for Edna.

When I got to the hospital Edna had been moved to the next bay down so she now has a new named nurse. According to her she had been moved 3 times - but I doubt it. I'm not sure why she was moved .

She told me she was going for a home visit (probably true), she told me she was pleased she was finally walking again (undoubtedly true) but that she had only just started walking (not sure if that is true or not - certainly she had a zimmer frame by her bed for the first time in a couple of days. But I am sure she has been walking with help. The nurses wouldnt wheel her to the toilet or bring her a commode when she is supposed to be mobile)

She was asking me to bring in some biscuits so she can offer biscuits to people at coffee break. This one had me puzzled. I wasn't sure if she toguht she was back at work or not. When I ponted out she had buscuits in the tin, she said tey were for HER, but she wanted bsucuits to offer other people. I got well confused with that one.

I got the usual information about the staff which I can't check if it is true or not - but suspect it is not. According to her almost ALL the staff have other family members who work at West Heath. Now I know that can happen - but not as often as Edna seems to think.

She had a nightie in her handbag, that she said was there becasue she thought it belonged to one of the other ladies. Its things like that that really worry - because that si when se seems totally out of touch with reality.

I would love a professional assesment of her cognition so I ahd some idea of how she is really getting on

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