Saturday 29 August 2009


Yesterday, having checked with Sue that the Fosters staff wil lNOT do Edna's shopping, I went to Edna's straight from work to sort out her shopping. I had asked Sue to tell her I would be over so she had drawn up a shopping list - but not put any ready meals on. I vetoed the bread she had put on the list becasue she already had 2 loaves in the freezer. But she hadn't put down any ready meals. She thought she would be having meals on wheels starting on Monday. So I explained once again that wasn't of her package, Then when I looked in the freezer I discovered she still had 3 ready meals left. I only saw 2 on Thursday when I did a quicl check It turns out she didnt have a meal at lunchtime yesterday because she had a Fosters breakfast - two eggs. I am betting she wont have had a hot meal yesterday evening and that the breakfast will be all she ate yesterday. I am also wondering how many other days she didnt have a hot meal.

I beleive there is an element of her controlling her food because it is about the only thing she feels she DOES have control over.

Ethically I am in a difficult situation because I believe she still has capacity to decide things for herself. If at some level she is choosing not to use the nebuliser or eat, is enforcing it the right thing to do?

If she doesnt have capacity - and that isn't my decision thank God - then that makes the situation even tougher because she will have her right to decide anything taken away from her . And it will put me in a situation I dont want to be in.

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