Tuesday 25 August 2009

I knew this would happen

I haven't gone to work today. I decided I needed a day to make sure Edna was sorted out. And its just as well. I have just a call from the wardens to say no carers have turned up this morning.

But I am not going to rush straight over - the wardens are there. If I am to be effective in helping Edna I need to try and destress -and that means focussing on all the issues and deciding what priorities are. I can't run around trying to solve everything.

So what are the problems? Her physical ability to care for herself which is limited by her COPD. Her weight loss -which I think we have to presume is due to her not eating well. He inabilty to remember things. Yesterday almost the first thing she told me was that no-one had told her she would be going home. However I know I told her several times - and Barbara the social worker spoke to her yesterday morning to get her to sign the form to say she consented to the care package.

The carers will prepare food for her - but no-one can force her to eat it. However I am guessing the carers will report if they have concerns about her food intake.

Her COPD wont really improve. As long as she gets her inhalers and nebuliser she should tick along ok - but she has to remember to use them - and in the case of the nebuliser remember how to set it up. I am not optimistic.

Her memory is really the key to everything - and that is the one thing no-one can do anything about.

This blog is not helping. All I can see is things I can do nothing about. And in reality that is my situation. I can't do anything except her shopping and providing her with some company and emtional support unless I take on much more hands on role - which is incompatible with work. This would be absolutely a last option for me.

Somehow she needs to be persuaded she needs top go into residential care because that is the only place she will get the help she really needs.

Should I make that my goal?

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