Monday 3 August 2009


I got home today to be greeted by the news that the hospital had rung to ask if Edna had a nebuliser at home, becasue they want tos end her home on one. Now clinically I am 100% sure she needs s nebuliser- but she can't cope with it. She can't manipulate the nebules, she gets confused when trying to manipulate the mask and stuff.

Then of course there is the small maer of her remembering to use it.

It would be a DISASTER. It won't work. So I rang the ward to exprrss my views as politely as possible and got told they wondered if the carers could do it.

Dont they know what social services carers do? If anyone should know THEY should Or are they hoping I can pop round 4 times a day to give her her nubuliser???

We have the meeting tommorow to start discussing her care package for when she goes home so I can raise the issue then thank goodness.

I did ring the ward and tell them that she DOES have a nebuliser- but that IMO it was a non starter and gave them a bried resume of my reasons - so I don't feel TOO frustrated - but I do have a nasty feeling of deja vu about all this

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